Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Gear!

Hey all!

It's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged, and a lot has happened in that time! I've reached the $1000 mark online thanks to so many generous donors (thanks Rebs for helping me reach that mark, by the way!), and I've made a couple of major purchases in preparation for my trip!

Since deciding to embark on this adventure, I knew I'd have to make a couple of major buys in order to make the trip out west a positive one (for example, my old bike weighs about a thousand pounds and is in no shape to make a 2,000 km journey!). So, in the past couple of weeks, I've bit the bullet and spent some money on a new tent and a new bike!

The tent is an MSR Hubba Hubba; a small 2-person tent that should be quite comfortable for just me! The goal with purchasing this one was to be able to use it once I get back from Vancouver. It's durable and quick to assemble, and shrinks down to a very movable size and weighs about 4 lbs when it's all packed up and ready to travel - the perfect hiking and biking tent! It came highly recommended by my coworker Gabe, and I must say, it should prove to be a really great investment while I'm out there.

The bike is a Gary Fisher Katai, a small, lightweight hybrid bike (meaning it works great for both road riding and mountain biking) that has a few key features that I think will come in really handy on my long trek. First, it has disc brakes - kind of like what you would find on your car - instead of the typical brakes that squeeze the sides of your tires to slow you down. I'm really excited about this feature, as this should mean that I won't have to tune them up nearly as often! The next great thing about this bike is that it has lockable shocks on the front wheel - so when I'm riding on roads, I can lock it up so that it doesn't absorb any of my energy as I'm pedaling, but when I'm riding on light trails, I can engage the shock to absorb any jarring movements my bike may make as I ride over rocks, dive into sharp turns, or decide to tackle a steeper slope.

Overall, I think I've made a great start on my gear purchasing! The buying of the bike just made it that much more real as well - only a few more weeks and I'm off on my adventure! But of course, this obviously means I've spent a good paycheque in the process of getting these items, so if you have any bike or camping-related gear that you aren't using, but you think may come in handy, send them my way! I'm definitely in the market for a small sleeping bag, small sleeping mat, or any bike accessories like reflectors, lights, or mirrors. Oh, and small bungee cords are always welcome!

I promise to keep the posting up now that the date is coming ever closer - every day I get more and more excited!

